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Wine Review

Coppo Camp du Rouss

Theis Vine, 149,95 kr.

Total points: 89 out of 100.
Reviewed by "JOH"

Additional information
Wine type:Red Wine
The wine is from:Italy
Alcohol percentage:13,00%
Wine merchant:Theis Vine
Price in Danish Kroner:149,95 kr.
Wine was bought the:25-09-2007
The wine was reviewed the:24-11-2008
The wine is from vintage:2004
The wine is from the region:Piemonte
The wine has the classification:DOC Barbera d'Asti
The wine was produced by:Coppo
The producers homepage:

Starting Points:40 
General colour and appearance:4 
Aroma, scent and bouquet:12 
Intensity, balance, purity, depth, potential for further storage:9 
Price points:1 
Total points:89 

"JOH" has described the wine in the following way
Fin og lækker afbalanceret vin som smager glimrende uden at støde. Fin næse og god rund smag. The review was done in the language dk