Total points: 90 out of 100. Reviewed by "ABH" |
Wine type: | Red Wine |
The wine is from: | South Africa |
Alcohol percentage: | 14,00% |
Grapes: | Shiraz |
Wine merchant: | Superbest |
Price in Danish Kroner: | 110,00 kr. |
Wine was bought the: | 03-07-2010 |
The wine was reviewed the: | 03-07-2010 |
The wine is from vintage: | 2005 |
The wine is from the region: | Darling |
The wine has the classification: | W.O. Darling |
The wine was produced by: | Darling Cellars |
The producers homepage: | |
Starting Points: | 40 | |
General colour and appearance: | 4 | |
Aroma, scent and bouquet: | 12 | |
Taste: | 16 | |
Aftertaste: | 8 | |
Intensity, balance, purity, depth, potential for further storage: | 8 | |
Point: | 88 | |
Price points: | 2 | |
| | |
Total points: | 90 | |
Nydelig farve og pæne gardiner. Let lys farve men med fin dybde og pæne gardiner. Sjov krydret duft. Let frugt tone med hindbær og ribs, men stadig krydret. Smagen er blid og blød, igen med toner af ribs og hindbær. Fin balance, selvom der er lidt for meget solmoden marleade over den. Nydelig vin. |